Browse Recipes
 Walnut and Brazil Nut Bread
     250 grs. flour  250 grs. wholewheat flour
     1 tablespoon baking powder  1 teaspoon baking soda
     80 grs. brown sugar  50 grs. walnuts
     50 grs. Brazil nuts  100 grs. raisins
     40 grs. butter  2 eggs
     250 mls. whey, heavy cream, or condensed milk  
Walnut and Brazil Nut Bread
Preheat oven to 180°. Line a loaf pan with waxed paper.
Chop nuts, Brazil nuts and raisins. Melt butter and beat the eggs slighgtly.
Sift in a large bowl both flours, baking powder and baking soda. Add sugar, nuts, and raisins. Mix butter, eggs, and milk. Make a hole in the center and add previous ingredients. Mix with a wooden spoon until all ingredients are well mixed.
Place dough into a floured board, shape a loaf with hands and transfer to baking tin.
Make a cross on top of dough with a lightly floured knife.
Bake for 30-40 minutes in the oven, or until golden.
Use whey instead of heavy cream of condensed milk, to have a lighter bread.
 Categories:  Breads
 Estimated Serving:  8
 Estimated preparation time:  60 min.
 Language:  English
 Shared by:  Ely    2010/01/21
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