Browse Recipes
 French Toast and Honey
     8 slices one day old bread (1 cm thick)  2 glasses milk
     4 tablespoons sugar  4 tablespoons honey
     4 tablespoons oil  1 stick cinnamon
     3 eggs  3 tablespoons rum
     ground cinnamon  
French Toast and Honey
1. Heat milk with sugar, cinnamon stick and rum. Remove from heat once it begins to boil and remove cinnamon stick.
2. Moist bread slices in milk, then coat them in eggs. Heat a skillet with hot oil and brown toasts on both sides. Drain on paper towel and place them in a serving dish.
3. Add 2 tablespoons of water to honey and sprinkle on top of french toasts. Sprinkle with powdered cinnamon and serve.
 Categories:  breakfast, Desserts
 Estimated Serving:  4
 Estimated preparation time:  45 min.
 Estimated calories serving:  300
 Language:  English
 Shared by:  AnaPau    2010/01/12
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