Browse Recipes
 Zucchini Bread
     3 large eggs  3/4 cup sugar
     1 cup vegetable oil  2 cups grated zucchini
     1 teaspoon vanilla  3 cups flour
     1 teaspoon salt  1 teaspoon baking soda
     1 teaspoon baking powder  1 teaspoon cinnamon
     1 cup chopped nuts  
Zucchini Bread
Preheat oven to 350º.
Combine in mixing bowl and beat well the following ingredients: eggs, sugar, oil, grated zucchini, and vanilla.
Sift together: the flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon.
Add dry ingredients to zucchini mixture, and stir until blended. Add nuts, mix and pour into 2 greased and floured loaf pans.
Bake for approximately 1 hour. Remove from pans and cool.
 Categories:  Breads
 Estimated preparation time:  90 min.
 Language:  English
 Shared by:  Pukis    2009/10/06
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