Browse Recipes
 Bolivian picante de pollo
     1 1/2 kg Chicken  1/2 cup Ground chilli
     2 cups Chopped onion  1 cup Chopped tomato
     1/2 Chopped chilli  1 cup Green peas
     1/2 cup Chopped parsley  1 tsp Cumin
     1 tsp Oregano  1/2 tsp Black pepper
     1 tbsp Salt  3 cloves Chopped garlic
     3 cups Water  2 tbsp Oil
Bolivian picante de pollo
1.- Place the chicken in a large pot with the rest of the ingredents and boil. The water or broth should completely cover ingredients.
2.- Cook on high until it comes to a boil. Then, cook on low for at least an hour and a half until the chicken is very tender. Stirring occasionally.
3.- If the pot has lost too much water during the cooking, just add some more water so that there is plenty of broth when you serve.
4.- This dish is usually served with boiled potatoes, noodles and tomatoes with onion.
 Categories:  Bolivian, Chicken, Spicy
 Estimated Serving:  6
 Estimated preparation time:  100 min.
 Language:  English
 Shared by:  Jona    2008/08/20
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