Browse Recipes
 Homemade pancakes
     1 cup self rising flour  3 tablespoons oil
     1 Egg  3/4 cup milk
     1 teaspoon sugar  1 teaspoon vanilla
     1/2 teaspoon grated lemon peel (optional)  
Homemade pancakes
Beat eggs until well mixed and foamy. Add the rest of the ingredients beating at medium speed until creamy (not too thick). Heat pan at medium heat and add a little bit of oil around to avoid scorching. Pour 1/2 of cup of the preparation and cook for about a minute 'till bubbly, turn it and let it cook 1/2 minute more. Take it out and serve. It is better to serve it when hot with butter and syrup of your preference.
If you do not have self rising flour add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking powder. It is better to use oil in spray to avoid scorching. It is a good idea to garnish it with fruit or marmelade of your choice.
 Categories:  Breakfast, pastries
 Estimated Serving:  6
 Estimated preparation time:  10 min.
 Language:  English
 Shared by:  Ana    2008/08/20
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