Browse Recipes
 Vegan, Kosher for passover, cholate cake (don't be affrade)
     6-8 Matzoh OR Large Crackers  1/2 lb Bitter/Bitter Sweat chocloate
     1/4 cup Cheap Wine  1/2 cup Water
1. Melt the chocolate.
2. Mix water and wine together.
3. Separate the mixture into two bowls
4. Soak the matzoh in one bowl
5. Pour the rest of the liquid into the melted chocolate, and mix
6. Layer everything, matzoh, chocolate, matzoh chocolate...
7. Serve!!!
If you use crackers it will no longer be kosher for passover.
Bitter chocolate is better.
 Categories:  Vegan, Vegitarian, Kosher, Kosher for Passover, Cake, Chocolate
 Estimated preparation time:  15 min.
 Language:  English
 Shared by:  nboamy    2009/04/05
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