Browse Recipes
 Grilled Bread
     6 hoagie rolls, split  3 tablespoons olive oil
     1 small can chopped ripe olives, drained  6 plum tomatoes, thinly sliced
     6 ounces Swiss or Gruyere cheese, shredded or sliced  1/3 cup or 6 teaspoons coarsely chopped fresh basil or dried basil
1. Preheat the grill. Brush cut sides of rolls with olive oil; sprinkle with olives. Top with tomato slices, cheese, and basil.
2. Coat cold grill rack with nonstick cooking spray; place rack on grill. Place rolls on rack, cut side up, and grill, covered, over medium heat (300 to 350 degrees) 5 to 7 minutes or until cheese melts.
 Categories:  Breads
 Estimated Serving:  6
 Language:  English
 Shared by:  madlibrariantwo    2011/08/16
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