Browse Recipes
 Viennese scallopini
     600 g veal scallopini  40 g flour
     2 tablespoons breadcrumbs  2 eggs
     50 g butter  1/4 cup olive oil
     salt to taste  ground pepper to taste
1. Lightly beat eggs in a bowl with salt and pepper.
2. Flour the cutlets, put them through the beaten eggs, then in the breadcrumbs.
3. Heat butter and oil in a pan and fry the scallops until golden on both sides.
4. Place them on paper towels to absorb excess fat.
5. Serve with accompaniment of your choice.
 Categories:  Austrian, Bovine
 Estimated Serving:  4
 Estimated preparation time:  20 min.
 Language:  English
 Shared by:  juliana    2010/10/29
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