Browse Recipes
 Perfect Corn Bread
     1 cup Coarse Corn Meal  1 cup  All Purpose Flour
     4 tsp Baking Powder  1/2 tsp Salt
     1/3 cup Sugar  2  Large beaten Eggs
     1 cup Milk  1/4 cup Oil (I use Extra Light Olive Oil)
Preheat over to 425. Spray skillet or muffin tins with cooking spray. If you like your cornbread to have that crunchy bottom, use a cast iron skillet and preheat it in the oven while oven heats up. Meanwhile, combine dry ingredients in a medium size bowl and mix thoroughly. Make a well in center of dry ingredients and add remaining ingredients. Mix til moistened, but not overmixed. Pour into skillet or muffin tin and bake 20-25 minutes.
I have found that leftover cornbread does not taste as rancid when I use the extra light olive oil, however if you are looking for a very flavorful corn bread, corn oil does the trick.
 Categories:  Breads
 Estimated Serving:  8
 Estimated preparation time:  30 min.
 Estimated calories serving:  250
 Language:  English
 Shared by:  ChefMommaGee    2010/07/16
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