Browse Recipes
    Beef and mushroom lasagna (microwave)
    Beef broth
    Beef broth with vegetables and small dough
    Beef Burrito
    Beef skewers
    Beef with pepper
    Bittersweet eye round
    Breaded eye round steak with bittersweet peppers
    Breaded steaks
    Breaded veal scallop
    Breaded veal sweetbreads
    Carbonada en zapallo (Pumpkin stew)
    Carbonara de buey (Beef stew)
    Castilian style veal chops
    Colombian stew
    Eye round to milk
    Fillets of veal with penny bun and truffle sauce
    Golden Tacos
    Goulash with pasta
    Greek lasagna
    Matambre (Stuffed rolled beef)
    Matambre relleno (Filled rolled beef)
    Meat croquettes
    Meatballs with sauce
    Meatloaf (microwave)
    Mondongo colombiano (Colombian tripe soup)
    Ossobuco with vegetables
    Parisian style ragù (microwave)
    Pork and corn pie
    Ribs in sauce
    Roast beef in wine
    Roast veal rib
    Roast veal with pepper
    Scallopini with cream
    Sirloin with orange
    Sirloin with Roquefort cheese (microwave)
    Skewer veal beef with curry and apricot sauce
    Stuffed veal flank
    Stuffed veal round
    Tail soup
    Tenderloin with blue cheese (microwave)
    Thai beef curry
    Tongue with Madeira sauce
    Traditional stew of chickpeas
    Veal beef kabobs with vegetables and lentils
    Veal chops with blackberry sauce
    Veal fillets in sauce
    Veal round with sauce
    Veal stew with eggplant
    Veal stew with Elbasan yogurt au gratin
    Veal with ginger
    Veal with herbs
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